Gwadar Port Railway Track Land Acquisition : Senate Committee Advocates for Essential Land Acquisition

Gwadar Port Railway Track Land Acquisition Gwadar Land Railway land

In the grand scheme of Gwadar’s growth, the Gwadar Port plays an integral role. The Senate Standing Committee on Maritime Affairs recently convened at Parliament House to discuss acquiring the remaining land needed for constructing the railway track that will link the Gwadar Port to the Railway Container Yard.

The meeting, led by Senator Rubina Khalid, examined the project that received approval from ECNEC in 2007. Relevant department officials stated that the railways will develop approximately 340 acres for the project.

Collaboration for a Common Goal

Currently, discussions are underway between the ministry and related authorities, including the District Administration, Gwadar Development Authority (GDA), and Gwadar Port Authority, to secure the remaining land.

Officials also highlighted the significance of a 5-acre railway land in the construction of the Eastbay Expressway. Senator Rubina Khalid urged authorities to hasten work on the railway track land, pivotal for the Gwadar project.

Resolving Land Acquisition Challenges

The committee suggested creating a panel in 15 days to tackle land acquisition, involving all pertinent stakeholders. This proactive approach underscores the Senate Committee’s commitment to overcoming hurdles and ensuring the swift progress of Gwadar’s development.

Gwadar Port Railway Track 
Land Acquisition..

A Change of Plans for the Gwadar Shipyard Project

The Senate Standing Committee also touched upon the current status of the Gwadar Shipyard Project. Secretary Dr Iram Anjum Khan revealed that the Kappar area was initially chosen for the shipyard by the MoDP.

However, due to the Kappar area’s distant location (50 kilometres) and elevation above sea level, MoDP relocated the site to Sur Bandar in October 2023.

Progress Report on Gwadar Project

The committee was briefed on the issues hindering the Korangi Fisheries Harbour Authority from executing its mandate, the Modifications of the Fish Auction Hall, the creation of a Business Park, and the development of Freezing and Cold Storage Tunnels.

Officials have submitted reviewed project proposals (PC-I’s) to the CDWP and are now waiting for approval.Senator Rubina Khalid suggested the ministry explore collaborations with private-sector firms to ensure these projects’ timely completion.

Gwadar_city-Land -Railway Track
Land Gwadar

A Bright Future Awaits Gwadar

This meeting highlights the complexity of Gwadar’s growth, particularly the Gwadar Port Railway Track construction. The Senate Committee’s proactive approach to resolving land acquisition challenges is a testament to their commitment to Gwadar’s progress.

Moving forward, collaboration among stakeholders, government bodies, and private firms will shape Gwadar’s future. The Gwadar Port Railway Track’s development is pivotal in transforming the city into a prominent maritime hub.

This article provides an insight into the ongoing initiatives aimed at ensuring Gwadar’s sustainable development. With a focus on infrastructure enhancement, resource management, and public service improvement, the city’s future looks promising.

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